The Miracle Hill Podcast
Dignifying humanity through the power of story and education. Striving together to support society's marginalized. A podcast from Miracle Hill Ministries. If you like story, then this podcast is for you. If you care about educating yourself and grappling with complex issues like homelessness, addiction-recovery, coping, toxic charity, justice initiatives, true healing, and similar topics, then this podcast is for you. Hosted by Ryan Duerk, President and CEO at Miracle Hill Ministries. Produced and edited by Michael Livingston, Digital Storyteller at Miracle Hill Ministries. If you have a story to tell, would like to see a topic covered, or simply want to connect, email podcast@miraclehill.org.
The Miracle Hill Podcast
The Trauma of Removal with David and Ryan
Ryan is joined by David White, founder and CEO of Fostering Great Ideas; view their website here.
As the saying goes, "blood is thicker than water." So what happens when sibling groups enter the foster care system?
The reality is, many sibling groups become separated from each other when they are removed from their homes. This separation only adds to the trauma the children are experiencing. That's why Fostering Great Ideas facilitates a program called Sib-Link. The goal of Sib-Link is to reunite siblings with each other and help create pathways for relationship, even in the middle of a crisis.
Helping children and teens stay connected to their family of origins (when that connection is safe and permittable) can help reduce the negative impact of a very tumultuous situation.
Don't miss the important dialogue covered on this episode.
Email podcast@miraclehill.org to get in touch with us.
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